I hope you find this helpful. This is the first time I’ve written instructions for my sewing projects so if something doesn’t make sense, feel free to contact me with any questions.
*I prefer the 5” charm square packs because they are inexpensive and easy to work with in a small space (and it’s fun putting the designs together).
*I use two different designs for the outer fabric. However, you still need two squares of each because one is for the flap (see picture)
Outside Fabric: 2pieces 5x4
One is for the flap
Inner Fabric: 2pieces 5x4
One is for the flap
Card slots: 2pieces 5x4
Craft Fuse - I like the iron-on kind and use Pellon 808
8 Charm squares total
1. The first thing I do is iron the craft fuse onto each square EXCEPT the fabric for the card slots.
2. Once the fuse is on, cut the fabric to 5x4.
You will be left with some 1x5” scraps. I save these for smaller projects and because the fuse is already on, I find it’s easier to work with the smaller pieces.
Here is my stash
3. Next trace the flap pattern on the two pieces of outer fabric and cut them out. The dimensions are roughly 3x5”. I used one of those circle cutter templates to make the curve. Before I had one of those, I used a plate or some kind of lid. My scanner software isn’t working otherwise I’d include it.
4. Pin the interior fabric right sides together and sew a ½” seam. Do the same for the exterior fabrics.
5. Pin the card pockets matrial right sides together. Mark a ¼” seam on both long ends. (Forgot to take a picture – oops)
6. Sew each part.
7. Trim and press open the seams
**** Ironing card pockets****
-Press open both seams
-Turn right side out
-Fold and iron seams
8. Pin the flap pieces to the outer and inner fabric. Mark a ½ seam and sew together, trim and press open the seams.
9. Sew the card pockets onto the interior fabric. I use the top seam as a guide to center the pockets
Once it’s pinned in place, I flip it over and sew along the seam (I darken it with a pencil first to make it easier to see)
10. Measure each piece and sew on the Velcro. See my measurements on the pictures.
11. Match each piece right sides together and mark a ½” seam. Leave the bottom open and use your pattern to make the flap seam (my seam is about 1/8-1/4” – see picture below)
12. Sew together, trim seams then turn right-side out. Fold the bottom material inside so that the edges are straight then sew across.
Iron, fold together and you’re finished!