Thursday, February 3, 2011

New Feature

Maybe it's because it's winter. Maybe it's the fact that we only have 9 (okay, 7) followers. Maybe I'm looking for a little excitement. Whatever the reason, I've decided to start a new weekly feature.

There are so many excellent blogs out there. Typically, I tend to focus on the crafty ones (of course). However, there are also some VERY entertaining bloggers that I think deserve attention as well. We all need a little humor once in awhile, right? I think so, which is why, beginning today, we will now have...

wait for it...

Friday Funnies (very original, I know)

Each week, we will feature a blog that we find immensely entertaining in some fashion. In other words, at some point, we literally 'laughed out loud' while reading/ watching.


Our first Friday Funny is... Hyperbole and a Half

The link above will take you to my personal favorite, Dogs Don't Understand Basic Concepts Like Moving. However, the entire site is worth perusing. Seriously, I love this blog and I look forward to every new entry! Check it out.


  1. Even though you only have 7-9 followers, I still look at your blog regularly. I will check out Friday Funnies with you. :P

  2. Thanks, it's nice to know we're not alone :D I look at yours too - very inspirational! We are actually moving the blog and I hope you will continue to follow.
